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The Persistent Dozen

The Long COVID Foundation has put together The Persistent Dozen. Twelve important papers on SARS-CoV-2, spike protein, and viral particle persistence. You can download the pdf below.

We have been working on a collection of hundreds of papers related to SARS-CoV-2 persistence that we are not finished with, but will release upon completion. There is no shortage of research showing that SARS-CoV-2 persists and is a factor for those with Long COVID.

The question is why isn't there more of a push by the medical community and government to development testing, put forth common sense trials, and develop better antivirals? The clock is ticking for those suffering going on more than 5 years now. In the very least, life is being stolen from people with no end in sight.

This is why the Long COVID Foundation feels it's important to continue to highlight underlying viral persistence issues. Reinfections are also a major issue, so we need better antivirals all the way around.



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© Long COVID Foundation 501(c)(3) non-profit in the USA since 2023. --- EIN#: 93-3724191.

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